Colchester, Canterbury and Romsey next stop for 'transfusion traumas' events
VETS have revealed the main reasons dogs require blood in an emergency.
Data shows that immune-mediated anaemia is top of the list followed by blood loss due to a ruptured spleen.
Among the other reasons are blood loss during surgery, rodenticide toxicity and haemorrhage due to lungworm.
The top 10 list was compiled to coincide with a roadshow of CPD events focussed on small animal blood transfusions.
It’s being held by Vets Now in conjunction with Pet Blood Bank UK (PBB) to mark the charity’s 10th anniversary.
Open to vets and vet nurses, the roadshow is visiting Colchester, Canterbury and Romsey in June, with the aim of answering all of the questions the veterinary profession has ever wanted to ask about how to get the most out of blood.
It then moves north in September to Durham followed by Liverpool.

Interested in attending our CPD events?
Speaking at some of the events is Vets Now’s clinical director Amanda Boag, who also acts as a clinical advisor to PBB.
She said: “Transfusion medicine has developed a huge amount in the UK in the last 10 years with many lives saved.
“These events will be of great value to all practitioners and nurses wanting to make sure they are using blood and its products for maximum benefit.”
Among the topics on the programme agenda will be when to use plasma, what are the options for feline transfusions and how to make blood transfusions safe.
The speakers will also discuss when small animal patients need blood and what blood products are available for them.
They will be joined on stage by senior clinicians from PBB, and there will also be interactive case studies to illustrate the key points.
Wendy Barnett, founder of PBB and head of professional and clinical services said, “We’re delighted to support the Vets Now ‘transfusion traumas’ CPD events that are running across the country this year.
“Getting the most out of blood is high on our agenda as we experience an ever increasing demand for blood and ancillary products.
“These CPD events are the perfect platform to promote the benefits of having 24/7 access to blood and ease of administration in practice.”
One dog whose life was saved because emergency vets at Vets Now in Caterham had access to a supply of blood was Buddy.
The one-year-old spaniel required two transfusions after suffering rodenticide poisoning.
His owner, Helen Lomas, of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, said: “Myself, my husband, Paul, and my immediate family are all regular blood donors so we know how important it is.
“But, in all honesty, I’d no idea dogs could even have blood transfusions. But without blood donations, Buddy wouldn’t be here. It saved his life.”

Amanda Boag said Buddy’s case shows first hand the difference having blood available can make to a much-loved family pet whose life hangs in the balance.
She added: “It is absolutely vital in all sorts of life or death scenarios as our list of the top 10 emergencies requiring blood and blood products demonstrates.”
For more information about the ‘transfusion traumas’ CPD events or to book your place at one of the lectures click here.
Tickets cost £50 for veterinary practices who use the Vets Now out-of-hours service and £75 for non-partner practices.
Vets Now will donate £10 from each booking to PBB.