Emergency & first aid Diet & nutrition Health & wellness Safety tips
Caring for your small pets involves more than love and companionship. Understanding their needs in emergencies, diet, health, and safety is crucial.
This advice is not a substitute for a proper consultation with a vet and is only intended as a guide. Please immediately contact your local veterinary practice for advice or treatment if you are worried about your pet's health. Even if they are closed, they will always have an out-of-hours service available. Find out more about what to do in an emergency.
If you have any concerns about your small pet, call our Video Vets Now telehealth service or your nearest Vets Now clinic for advice.
Below, find expert advice on key aspects of small pet care:
Emergency and first aid advice for small pets
Preparation is key to handling pet emergencies effectively.
From basic first aid to recognizing signs of urgent health issues, our resources equip you as owners with the knowledge to act swiftly and confidently.
Discover crucial emergency care and first aid advice here.
Diet and nutrition advice for small pets
A balanced, healthy diet is foundational to your small pet’s health.
Learn about essential nutrients, portion sizes, and special dietary needs across different life stages.
Read more here for detailed guidance on ensuring your small pets nutritional well-being.
Health and wellness advice for small pets
Maintaining your small pet’s overall health involves regular veterinary visits, vaccinations, and preventive care.
Dive into our comprehensive resources on promoting a healthy lifestyle for your small pet right here.
Safety tips for small pets
Protecting your small pet from potential hazards at home and outdoors is paramount.
Our safety guide offers practical tips for creating a secure environment for your furry friend.
Explore our safety top tips here.
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Small Animal Pillar Page
I’ve found an injured hedgehog, what should I do?
Found a baby bird, what should I do?
What’s flystrike in rabbits? Symptoms, treatment & prevention
What’s encephalitozoon cuniculi, or e cuniculi in rabbits and how is it treated?
What is rabbit gut stasis and how do I spot it?
RVHD2  What is rabbit haemorrhagic disease and how can I protect my rabbit?
How to keep your rabbit warm in the winter
How to calm a scared rabbit during fireworks
Firework safety for rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters
Can my rabbit catch myxomatosis? Symptoms & treatment for common rabbit disease
10 of the most common pet rabbit ailments, illnesses and emergencies