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Electric shocks in cats and kittens
Electric shock, also referred to as electrocution, is not commonly seen in cats, but occurs mostly in kittens and young cats after chewing electric cables. Other possible sources of danger include faulty wiring, fallen transmission cables, broken electrical circuits and, rarely, lightning strikes during thunderstorms when outside.
Don’t delay if you’re worried about your pet – call your vet or, out of hours, your nearest Vets Now pet emergency clinic or Vets Now 24/7 hospital.

What is the effect of an electric shock in cats?
A lot depends on the strength of the current, the voltage of the electricity, and the duration of contact.
Very mild shocks may cause nothing more than slight discomfort similar to us experiencing a static build-up. However, even relatively weak electrical currents can cause severe burns as the current spreads through the tissues and causes them to overheat.
Often the extent of the damage is not fully apparent until several days afterwards as the damaged tissue dies and forms ulcers. These can get infected very easily, and if in the mouth may be noticed as mouth pain, excess drooling or a foul smell.
Electricity from an electric shock can damage the lungs and cause them to fill with fluid making it difficult for your cat to breathe – this life-threatening condition is called pulmonary oedema. This can take up to two days to develop but may happen within minutes.
Severe shocks may cause internal damage to the brain, heart, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. Electricity can disrupt the normal heartbeat resulting in an arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm) which may cause your cat to collapse, or may even cause cardiac arrest (when the heart stops beating). In the worst case, brain damage, unconsciousness or even instant death can occur. Lightning strikes are usually immediately fatal.
How will I know if my cat has received an electric shock?
Cats may be found chewing something electrical or may jump as if they’ve just received a static shock. It’s not uncommon to find pets unconscious close to a source of electricity, often still in contact with it. There may be charring or other burn marks present or the odour of burnt hair.
Alternatively, mild cases may not be discovered until a day or two later when your cat starts showing signs of pain or secondary infection of burns.
A cat that is unconscious and not breathing needs to see a veterinary surgeon immediately and should be taken to the nearest vet. If a second person is available, CPR can be performed. To do this lay your cat on its right side and grasp the chest – just behind the front legs – in one hand with your fingers underneath (on the right side) and your thumb on top (the left side). Now squeeze the chest firmly approximately twice per second. This should be continued during the journey to the vet.
A cat showing any of the following signs needs urgent veterinary attention:
- evidence of burns
- signs of pain or distress
- increased drooling
- irritation at the site of contact (e.g. pawing the mouth)
- coughing
- breathing difficulties
- seizures
- collapse or unconsciousness
Cats who have experienced a mild to moderate electric shock may show any or all of the following:
- pain at the site of shock (mouth pain, lameness, etc.)
- coughing
- difficulty eating
- increased drooling or a foul odour to the breath
Pets showing any of these symptoms should be checked by a veterinary surgeon as quickly as possible.
My cat has just been electrocuted, what should I do?
The golden rule when dealing with an electrical shock is don’t put yourself at risk.
Your cat needs your help to get to a veterinary surgeon so do not do anything which may endanger your safety. Electricity can cause muscular spasms which can cause the jaws to clamp shut around cables so that they can’t let go, so your cat may be twitching or moving around.
The live current may still be present and will shock you too if you touch your cat, so your first step should be to turn off the power. If you consider that you cat may have been electrocuted, before attempting to touch them it is essential you make sure it is electrically safe to do so. Turn off any possible source of electricity. This may involve simply switching off the socket at the wall or turning off the mains supply.
If this isn’t possible, consider contacting the emergency services for specialist help. It may be possible to break the contact between your cat and the live current using a wooden or plastic pole – never use metal – to push them away from the electric source, or the source away from them. Be extremely careful if the area is wet as this will also conduct electricity. Do not approach your cat if she is lying in a puddle and consider your own safety first.
Once you have your cat, wrap her in a towel or blanket then seek veterinary attention straight away.
What will the vet do?
Your vet will perform a full clinical examination of your cat. This will include listening to the heart and lungs and closely examining the site of the shock for evidence of trauma to the soft tissues. The vet will also look for signs of life-threatening injuries, burns and pain. There is no single test which proves your pet has been electrocuted – the diagnosis is reached using the combination of findings during the examination combined with a history of possible exposure.
It’s likely your vet will want to admit your cat as an inpatient for monitoring and further tests to rule out life-threatening damage. These may include an ECG to check the rhythm of the heart, x-rays or ultrasound scans repeated over several days to monitor damage to the lungs and blood tests to monitor oxygen levels in the blood.
Specialist referral centres may also be able to offer CT-scans or MRI-scans to visualise damage to the skin, lungs and brain better. However, this is usually reserved for severe cases after initial stabilisation.
Will my electrocuted cat recover?
Cats in good health, but with mild to moderate burns, often go on to make a full recovery. Cats with severe burns can also make a full recovery, but this can take a long time over many weeks and months, and is likely to require significant veterinary involvement, including surgery.
Cats with breathing difficulties or heart rhythm abnormalities may deteriorate suddenly during the first few days and have a guarded prognosis. They require a high level of care in a veterinary hospital if they are to make a full recovery.
Cats who present unconscious or in a coma have a guarded to poor prognosis for recovery even with intensive care in a veterinary hospital.
Can I prevent my cat being electrocuted?
Most electric shock injuries in the home are preventable. Cats should be discouraged from playing where power tools are being used or in other high-risk areas.
Cats should be discouraged from chewing cables and they should never be used as toys. If your cat likes to chew cables, she should be distracted with a more acceptable alternative such as a treat or a cat toy. Bitter tasting sprays from the pet shop or your vet can also be useful to discourage chewing. Persistent chewers should not be left unsupervised in rooms with electrical cables.
Cable guards can be used to protect vulnerable cables which can’t be hidden in cupboards, under carpets or otherwise out of reach. Consider unplugging or switching off power to any machine not in use. This particularly applies to mobile phone cables. Inspect cables for damage and replace any cable where the protective plastic covering has been compromised.
Cats should be kept away from any electrical area marked as dangerous (e.g. power stations or generators). Consider keeping pets indoors during thunderstorms.