A large dog sits on the floor in a bright hallway, receiving affection from a kneeling veterinarian. A person in a red coat sits on a nearby black couch. Doors are numbered.

Our Brand

Far from being just a logo Vets Now is built around many different elements that reflect who we are, what we stand for, what we do and how we do it. So, if you’re looking to find out more about Vets Now, to promote in partnership with us or to use the Vets Now logo this is our brand home.

We’re here to give people and their pets the care and support they deserve, at the time they need it most. What we do is guided by our commitment to:

We always do our best to understand our clients’ feeling and concerns and take the time to appreciate how their pet emergency is affecting them.

Honesty and sensitivity are important to us. So we act in this way, even when it’s not the easy thing to do.

We let pet owners know they can count on us in an emergency by communicating clearly and behaving responsibly at all levels of our business.

We’re committed to delivering exceptional support and care so we do whatever it takes to make pets and people as comfortable as possible in an emergency.

Of course, Vets Now isn’t only about our clients. How we act when our clients aren’t around is just as important to us. We want our employees and partners to have a great experience working with us and our company values play a key part in making that happen across the Vets Now team.

Our Company Values

We constantly ask ourselves ‘how can we make things better?’

We care about animals and we care about people

Releasing Potential
We want to see people fulfilling their own potential.

We expect people to take ownership of issues and seek to resolve them for the benefit of our clients and colleagues.

How We Look

We take a lot of pride in how we look as well as the consistency and quality of our approach. Because we value how we appear, we ask third parties to respect this too especially when using our brand marks. We’re sharing our brand guidelines to help you.

Our Logo Marks
Before downloading our logos, we’d be grateful if you could spare a few moments to read out guidelines on how the Vets Now logo. mark and brand suite should be used. Please:

If you have any questions about where or how to use our logos, please contact our marketing team.

You can download the Vets Now Logo and Brand Guidelines below.

Related Downloads

Media Enquiries & Case Studies

If you’re working in media and want to know more about the work we do please contact us at: [email protected]

Intellectual Property & Trademarks

Vets Now, Vets now Emergency Ltd, Your Pet Emergency Service and associated devices are trademarks of Vets Now Ltd.   The content and images used on this website are the intellectual property of Vets Now and should not be used without the express permission of Vets Now.