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Please ban the sale of fireworks in your stores and end the needless suffering of pets, livestock and wildlife
If you agree, please sign our petition here.
Dear retailers,
Pets have been a lifeline for millions of people this year. They have been a source of comfort and companionship, they’ve motivated us to get moving, and they’ve lifted our spirits during the most difficult of times.
Now fireworks season is around the corner – many owners are reluctantly preparing themselves to watch on helplessly as their pets suffer psychological distress from the indiscriminate bangs and flashes from fireworks displays. Sadly, some are even likely to end up injured or missing as a result.
The country’s wildlife and livestock will also be traumatised, as they are every year. That’s not to mention the terrible impact fireworks, and the cocktail of chemicals they contain, have on the environment.
We call on you to stop the sale of fireworks in your stores to prevent all of this. Sainsbury’s decision to ban fireworks in 2019 was met with an overwhelmingly positive response. We are asking you to follow their lead this year and in the coming years.
We know most pet owners would welcome this. In our recent poll 83% of respondents supported this change.
The dangers fireworks pose to pets, livestock and wildlife is no secret. Every year in our emergency clinics, we see the heart-breaking reality of seemingly-harmless fireworks displays – pets burnt or hit by cars after being spooked, others bolting and going missing, sometimes never to return, self-inflicted, life-changing injuries caused in a moment of panic, and, sadly, also deliberate, malicious firework injuries.
We usually advise owners to keep their pets indoors when an official fireworks display is being held in their local area, but it’s much more challenging this year. How can we prepare pets for the unpredictable, unplanned nature of private displays? How can we try to make pets feel safe when we know that a massive increase in private fireworks is likely to cause harm to so many?
There is no doubt that the country deserves some joy. But the momentary lift fireworks will give us simply doesn’t compare to the misery and suffering it will cause millions of animals.
During the pandemic, you have worked tirelessly to keep the country moving and you deserve the utmost respect for your service and dedication.
As you continue the honourable task of keeping the nation fed, we kindly ask you to help keep the nation’s pets safe too.
Please consider banning the sale of fireworks in your stores.
Yours in hope,
Dave Leicester
Head of Clinical Intelligence
Vets Now