The thank-you notes that make our job so worthwhile
We regularly receive thank you emails or letters from grateful customers for saving their pet’s life. These mean an awful lot to our vets and vet nurses as all of them entered the veterinary profession to do just that. But, every now and again, we receive a letter with a twist – one that’s been “written” by the pet himself. Here are three that pulled at our heartstrings.
Poppy warns of chocolate dangers
Dear Vets Now,
My name is Poppy and, like my big brother Corki, I’m a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I was quite naughty recently and managed to escape my crate and jump high enough to knock down an open pack of chocolate my mum had left out.
It was all very yummy but, oh dear, it got me into a lot of trouble.
In the wee small hours of a Sunday morning – about five hours after I’d eaten the chocolate – my body decided it did not like chocolate as much as I did tasting it.
My heart went into failure and I collapsed. Luckily, I was able to cry first and wake my mum up.
Me and Corki were both rushed to the Vets Now clinic in Barton Le Clay at 4am and my mum was not sure I was going to make it. I was very, very ill. I had to be made to be sick and I was put on a heart monitor. I also needed beta blockers to regulate my heart beat back to normal from 205 to the 85-100 that it should have been. My body had to have lots of medication to make me better again. I was at the vets until later that evening.
My poor big brother also had to be made to be sick, just in case he’d eaten some. It turns out he hadn’t, it was all me – sorry about that Corki.
The vets were all really nice to me and my mum is so happy they made me better. But please, doggy friends out there, be careful. Chocolate may taste great but it can kill you. It nearly had me.
I know my mum is going to be more careful now and, of course, Christmas is coming so ask your owner to lock away any chocolate treats.
Poppy xxx
PS – To find out more about the dangers of chocolate click here.
Why is chocolate toxic to dogs?

'Fitting' Pippa says thank you
Dear Vets Now,
Thanks so much for taking care of me when I was ill. I had a very bad fit the Sunday before Christmas and you took care of me very well. You may remember when my owners brought me in I had been fitting for half an hour and you managed to very quickly get me calmed down and sleeping. When I woke a couple of hours later I couldn’t see anything but with a good night’s sleep at yours I was able to see again.
The next couple of days I felt really tired and couldn’t walk very far and I couldn’t climb the stairs at home or jump up on the sofa, but now I am back to my old self. I had to have a good sniff around the house when I first got back but my memory was very good. For instance, I remembered to keep clear of Harry the cat. He doesn’t like me – or anyone for that matter.
I feel as though I’m now fully recovered. I have no ticks or any signs of the fit, which last more than an hour. I put this down to three things. First, my owners got me to you very quickly. Second, you treated me very quickly and got me off to sleep so I could rest. Last but not least, I am a very tough cookie and I have managed to get myself back to normal very quickly. Thank you so much for your treatment, it was a very serious situation and hopefully you have given me a few more years of healthy living.
Best Regards,
Pippa x
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These heartfelt ‘letters' from #dogs are what make the Vets Now clinical team's jobs worthwhile website-staging.vets-now.com/2017/02/letters-from-dogs/

Sindy recovering after car accident
Dear Vets Now,
My name is Sindy and I’m a bouncing boxer. I’m quite a happy-go-lucky dog and I enjoy long walks along South Shields coast with my boxer companion Tara.
One Thursday evening, though, I was a little too keen to go out for my evening walk and ran off. Unfortunately, I was hit by a passing car and it caused me lots of pain. I was taken to the Gateshead branch of Vets Now, but even though I was hurt I remained mischievous and gave the staff lots of licks. I spent the evening there before being transferred to my local vet’s practice.
Throughout my treatment at Vets Now I lapped up lots of attention and cuddles and I think my mum was secretly worried I wouldn’t want to come home. Thankfully, I recovered exceptionally well and I’m now bright and happy again. I’d like to thank all the staff who cared for me.
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