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Binky visits Vets Now with a bad stomach after a long walk out eating cow pats
Whilst holidaying in the Peak District Binky, Darci and I spent each day walking and exploring. Sadly Binky has Bilateral Elbow Dysplacia, which he deals with very well, having weekly hydrotherapy. Hence we try to make our walks around one hour. As the weather was so very kind to us we tried as best we could to stay in shaded areas and when possible keep close to water.
It was a very hot day and we had a very lovely walk which ended up going on for over an hour. Due to the heat, we found a lovely shaded area and we all rested. Binky & Darci found a ditch of somewhat muddy water & began to wallow. Darci likes to paddle but Binky embraces water and likes to submerge head to look for sticks. If getting filthy was not enough, on our return journey many a cow pat was investigated and consumed.
Bedtime approached and Binky asked to go out, which is most unusual.  We went to the local field, which has grass over a meter high so I could see nothing other than their flashing collars.
The next morning when I awoke, the tiled hallway in our rented cottage was awash with liquid diarrhoea. Binky was looking most upset – this was his 1st in-house accident since he was 16 weeks old.
I watched him through the morning, not giving him any breakfast but making sure his water intake was good. As the morning went on I phoned the local vet to get some Pro Kolin, which they did not have but had something similar.
After Binky had eaten some chicken, yogurt and had a 16ml dose of tummy meds he spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping. At around 17:00 we went off to the field and Binky was walking very slowly. We only did 5 minutes and returned to the cottage.
Binky went back to sleep. At around 19:00 Binky tried to get off the sofa and was really struggling. I text my vet immediately giving her a full history, asking should we go to emergency. She was dealing with an emergency herself and very quickly replied that Binky may have heatstroke and that it would be best to go to an emergency vet.
As I went to get the car, I managed to lock myself out of the cottage whilst Binky was still inside. I had to get a neighbour to get a ladder & climb through to the upstairs window. By this time I was in emotional meltdown – tears flowing.
Finally, we set of towards Vets Now Alfreton. I had to lift Binky out of the car, which was no easy task as he is 42kgs. We were seen immediately by a super vet who really was so thorough & kind.
The best news was that Binky did not have heatstroke and his temperature was normal. The Vet took his blood, which again was normal. Binky’s stools, however, were still liquid. The vet explained that he could have picked up a bug in the ditch yesterday or from the cow pat, which is what I had originally thought earlier in the day. Some antibugs were prescribed & thankfully we have now returned home and Binky is on the mend, still a little weak but stools soft but formed and appetite back.
Sadly though it does mean we have had to cancel our therapy visits this week as Binky is a Pets as Therapy dog at the local Hospital and also at the local Leonard Cheshire Home. As the residents are so vulnerable we do not want to take the chance. Also, Binky’s giving blood session was to be next Sunday but I think they will want to cancel us as he is on antibugs.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Vets Now, who we have visited twice now, 1st time back in 2007 in Winchester. You are a credit to the Veterinary Profession and I am so very grateful to the wonderful way you have looked after Binky.
He is my most special boy, my rock and an amazing fundraiser, having raised over £1,000 for the following Charities (PAT, Hounds for Heroes, Leonard Cheshire, Oakhaven Hospice & Dogs Trust).
Binky is 1 in a million & through bringing so much joy to so many has enriched both our lives.
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Read about poor Binky's ordeal in our case study from @VetsNowUK: https://goo.gl/uEckRS